En tout cas en lisant son bouquin on peut comprendre en partie pourquoi les négociations durent aussi longtemps, il s'est jamais remis de s'être fait niquer lors de son 1er transfert et contrat entre Malmo et l'Ajax et veut depuis maitriser tout dans les moindre détails.
Bon c'est qu'un extrait le bordel étant sur plusieurs chapitre mais ca aide à comprendre :
They had paid something they called a pretax on the salary, I was told, and I thought: What is this shit? Pretax on salary! I’ve never heard of it, and I said right away: This can’t be right. It’s a new trick, and would you believe it? Anders Carlsson looked into it, and got me my two percent. Suddenly there was no pretax on salary anymore, and then it all fell down, I was done with Hasse Borg. It became a lesson I will never forget. It honestly branded me, and don’t think for a second that I don’t have any clue about my money and terms today.
When Mino called a while ago he asked:
“What did you get for your book from Bonniers?” (ed note: the company that is releasing the book.)
“I don’t really know.”
“Bullshit! You know exactly how much”, and of course, he was right.
I have total control. I refuse to be used and fooled again, and I always try to stay one step ahead in negotiations. What are they thinking? What do they want, and what’s their secret tactic?