Hei, whats up French

Hi from Bulgaria (Levski fan) I hear this "star" Greg is a big clown. But I dont understand why no one beat him up

Where is the police when you need it. After all... he is charlatan, right? And guys calm down, no need to argue. But I see... we have someone who thinks Paris is the top of the icecream (yea, its magnificent of course), but in Europe there is better places (no offence). My #1 is Barcelona, I'v been there. And the ppl are so kindly! Like angels ! Ok, nevermind. Thank you for all your information about this GregoIdiot AkcelRod

And for the guys who argue about Levski and cska. Just one statistic:
Levski beat Marseille and Auxerre 3 years ago
cska has been eliminated by the 17th in french championship - Toulouse 2 years ago

Good day to all.
A za vas samo da vi kaja, da ne se draznite tolkova. Tova ni e problema, che kato nekoi se zaqde vednaga pochvame da psuvame kato nekvi selqni. Zadrujte i go zatapete s inteligenten otgovor, i she mu stane 2 pati po-gadno ot kolkoto s prostashki psuvni