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Hello From Bulgaria smile.gif

I'm a fan of bulgarian biggest club CSKA(Sofia)

There are news ,that we will try how good is this player(Greg Akcelrod) , I saw that he had been playing in your team (in my opinion the best in France,PSG) ,so could you tell me something more about him and his playing style.

Fake ?
No fake it's true

IF you know something about this player ,please tell me
Greg is back cool.gif
Enorme ohmy.gif

Greg is the Fake ph34r.gif
Don't Buy it ph34r.gif
Xaxa wow , why he is a fake :?

Had he play for PSG ,maybe PSG second team :?
Citation (ALLSTAR @ 27/06/2009 à 23:10) *
Xaxa wow , why he is a fake :?

Had he play for PSG ,maybe PSG second team :?

He is very good , send a link to see this information please.
We could tell you more after.
mat2t please , no jokes smile.gif
Citation (ALLSTAR @ 27/06/2009 à 23:13) *
mat2t please , no jokes smile.gif

put a link please.
Citation (ALLSTAR @ 27/06/2009 à 23:10) *
Xaxa wow , why he is a fake :?

Had he play for PSG ,maybe PSG second team :?

Greg Akcelrod is a fake player.

He didn't play with PSG second team.
See this picture :

and this clip :
Playing for PSG ...

what a mystery biggrin.gif
Who is this man?
ALLSTAR this is a fake player. I've never seen
he tried to make pub about himself, filming amateur videos of his games and writing fake interviews on the net. then he disappeared... until now ^^
En tous les cas, le Monsieur vient bien de Bulgarie ph34r.gif

ALLSTAR, send a PM to Varino, he's a Greg's fan :
Do you know Mateja Kezman? ph34r.gif
C'est pas un fake en tous cas l'info est bien sur le site du cska.
english please
Citation (mat2t @ 27/06/2009 à 23:25) *
C'est pas un fake en tous cas l'info est bien sur le site du cska.

c'est pas le site off du cska, c'est le site , un espèce de portail sur le sport
Citation (ALLSTAR @ 27/06/2009 à 21:26) *
english please

Greg Akcelrod is not a professional player, he didnt played with PSG Team, he is a great manipulator...
mdr putain c'est énorme le lien !

Citation (ALLSTAR @ 27/06/2009 à 23:26) *
english please

Французин почва с ЦСКА в Австрия
27.06.2009 10:27

Първият чужденец от очакваните на проби в ЦСКА, вече е при отбора в Австрия.

Става въпрос за френския футболист Грегори Акселрод.

26-годишният нападател е носил екипите на Пари Сен Жермен и аржентинските Тигре и Ривер Плейт.

За последно Акселрод е играл в отбора от Бруней ДПММ.

Французинът обаче напуска клуба, след като Футболната асоциация на Малайзия забранява участието на чуждестранни футболисти в местното първенство и турнирите под нейна егида.

В австрийското градче Санкт Вайт Акселрод ще бъде тестван от ЦСКА, съобщи сайтът на клуба.

in english please?
thanks guys
y a plein de sources en tous cas
Французин почва с ЦСКА в Австрия-French start with CSKA in Austria
27.06.2009 10:27

Първият чужденец от очакваните на проби в ЦСКА, вече е при отбора в Австрия.
-First man on try at CSKA , is now hear in our Camp in Austria
Става въпрос за френския футболист Грегори Акселрод.-It's About Gerg Akcelrod

26-годишният нападател е носил екипите на Пари Сен Жермен и аржентинските Тигре и Ривер Плейт.
26 years old forward had been wearing ,jerseys of PSG,Tigre(Argentina) and River Plate (Argentina)

За последно Акселрод е играл в отбора от Бруней ДПММ.Last he had been playing for Brunei DPMM(team from Brunei)

В австрийското градче Санкт Вайт Акселрод ще бъде тестван от ЦСКА, съобщи сайтът на клуба.
In austrian town St.Wait ,Akcelrod will be try by CSKA
Aleeeeez,C'est pas vrai?!?! Je suis suporter de CSKA Sofia aussi et je peut pas croire que ce mec est pas professionnaliste book2.gif Ca veut dir,que notre club CSKA Sofia sont les plus gros connards vahid.gif vahid.gif vahid.gif Il a deja une photo avec l'equipe de CSKA Sofia wacko.gif
english please
plase write on english because we don't understand french. smile.gif
Et voila son photo sur notre site internet... Putainnnnnnnnn mad.gif
please ENGLISH
You 've been owned. popcorn.gif
He never plays in PSG. This guy just made a website where all is lying
Ptin l'invasion de bulgares ph34r.gif

I'm sorry for you, but greg is a big fake, and he doesn't have the level to play Professional Football unsure.gif
uhisport-bg French forward joined CSKA in Austria

French footballer Gregor Akselrod joined the CSKA team after their arrival in Austria today.

26-year-old forward who has worn the teams of the French PSG and Argentinian Tigre and River P. will play out trial during the preparation of red in Sankt Vayt and will need to convince senior coach Luboslav Penev as.

(translated by
He never played as a professional player , nobody here has never seen him play .
But dont be affraid if it is just for bulgarian championship , no need to be Zidane to play in it.
Citation (Bisounours)
I'm sorry for you, but greg is a big fake, and he don't have the level to play Professional Football unsure.gif

En Anglais, ça s'écrit :


what a shаме ,thanks for the information ...
Citation (mat2t @ 27/06/2009 à 22:46) *
He never played as a professional player , nobody here has never seen him play .
But dont be affraid if it is just for bulgarian championship , no need to be Zidane to play in it.

Ouai enfin faut pas les prendre pour des billes quand meme, le mec il a meme pas le niveau CFA quoi rolleyes.gif

look the pants logo :X
Citation (uhisport-bg @ 27/06/2009 à 23:46) * French forward joined CSKA in Austria

French footballer Gregor Akselrod joined the CSKA team after their arrival in Austria today.

26-year-old forward who has worn the teams of the French PSG and Argentinian Tigre and River P. will play out trial during the preparation of red in Sankt Vayt and will need to convince senior coach Luboslav Penev as.

(translated by

And he never played at River Plate.
Greg is a fake. He invented his story with a lot of evidence like videos, site, etc. You will see, he is a joke.

calm down... Bulgarian Championship is bad ,but CSKA can beat PSG ... so take it easy ,the fake player is on a trial period wink.gif
keyzer söze
Greg est de retour wub.gif

Il est trop fort ce mec
Merci bien les gars Vous étiez génial whistle.gif
keyzer söze
Citation (CSKAFAN @ 27/06/2009 à 21:51) *
Merci bien les gars Vous étiez génial whistle.gif

De rien smoke2.gif

C'est toujours un plaisir de parler de Greg popcorn.gif
if PSG is looking for new players ,we can sell you Ze Rui(LEft Midfilder ,very good,from Portugal) and Marquinuohs(Brazilian Playmaker)
rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif popcorn.gif popcorn.gif
J'arrive pas à suivre,c'est qui greg?c'est quoi cette histoire?
It's a great player but his name is Gegory Bourillon. The best player on PSG CFA. I think his assert approximately 3M€.
keyzer söze
Citation (ALLSTAR @ 27/06/2009 à 21:54) *
if PSG is looking for new players ,we can sell you Ze Rui(LEft Midfilder ,very good,from Portugal) and Marquinuohs(Brazilian Playmaker)
rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif popcorn.gif popcorn.gif

We can sell you Mateja Kezman. He's a big player and he played for Chelsea and Atletico Madrid
Citation (faycaloun57 @ 27/06/2009 à 23:54) *
J'arrive pas à suivre,c'est qui greg?c'est quoi cette histoire?

C'est un gars qui prétend faire partie de l'équipe réserve du PSG. Mais c'est un gros fake.
Citation (keyzer söze @ 27/06/2009 à 23:55) *
We can sell you Mateja Kezman. He's a big player and he played for Chelsea and Atletico Madrid

fake!!! ph34r.gif
Citation (keyzer söze @ 27/06/2009 à 23:55) *
We can sell you Mateja Kezman. He's a big player and he played for Chelsea and Atletico Madrid

i'm just asking ,but if you want to give us Kezman rolleyes.gif popcorn.gif
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