Grosse période BBC pour ma part, ils sont balèze quand même pour les docs, je choppe tout en 720p et c'est juste magnifique.
En ce moment, y'a South Pacific qui est diffusé.

DVD Description
One Ocean. 20,000 Islands. A Quarter of The World’s Water.
The extraordinary wildlife, culture and history of this immense, fascinating ocean and its myriad islands are revealed in stunning detail in this acclaimed BBC series.
With its coral reefs, turquoise lagoons and dramatic oceanic atolls, the South Pacific is the archetypal paradise. But from the shores of Hawaii to Easter Island and a thousand tiny remote islands, this ocean holds some of the most bizarre and intriguing surprises on Earth…
The incredible photography and discoveries of this series capture the amazing natural sights of the region: from erupting undersea volcanoes to jewelled tropical reefs and from tiger sharks catching albatross chicks to giant crabs opening coconuts. It reveals how the islands’ isolation has helped evolve flesh-eating caterpillars, vampire bugs with antifreeze in their veins, a strange nocturnal parrot with a mating call like a bull frog and the fascinating monkey-tailed skink.
South Pacific also tells of the people whose ancestors journeyed thousands of miles to the islands. Some acquired new survival techniques such as the palolo worm-harvesting Samoans or the Solomon islanders who fish with spider webs and kites, while others developed bizarre rituals such as the Pentecost land divers who leap from 25-metre wooden scaffolds.
With incredible natural spectacles, dramatic footage and fascinating stories, South Pacific will change the way you view this ocean forever.
20,000 islands, one ocean, a quarter of the world's water. Welcome to the South Pacific. Narrated by Benedict Cumberpatch, SOUTH PACIFIC is the documentary series that explores this fascinating part of the world and the wonderful wildlife that lives there. From Hawaii's coastline to Eastern Island, South Pacific explores underwater volcanoes and jewelled reefs, and showcases species such as tiger sharks and flesh-eating bugs, all captured by the most incredible photography and will change the way you see the ocean forever.
One Ocean. 20,000 Islands. A Quarter of The World’s Water.
The extraordinary wildlife, culture and history of this immense, fascinating ocean and its myriad islands are revealed in stunning detail in this acclaimed BBC series.
With its coral reefs, turquoise lagoons and dramatic oceanic atolls, the South Pacific is the archetypal paradise. But from the shores of Hawaii to Easter Island and a thousand tiny remote islands, this ocean holds some of the most bizarre and intriguing surprises on Earth…
The incredible photography and discoveries of this series capture the amazing natural sights of the region: from erupting undersea volcanoes to jewelled tropical reefs and from tiger sharks catching albatross chicks to giant crabs opening coconuts. It reveals how the islands’ isolation has helped evolve flesh-eating caterpillars, vampire bugs with antifreeze in their veins, a strange nocturnal parrot with a mating call like a bull frog and the fascinating monkey-tailed skink.
South Pacific also tells of the people whose ancestors journeyed thousands of miles to the islands. Some acquired new survival techniques such as the palolo worm-harvesting Samoans or the Solomon islanders who fish with spider webs and kites, while others developed bizarre rituals such as the Pentecost land divers who leap from 25-metre wooden scaffolds.
With incredible natural spectacles, dramatic footage and fascinating stories, South Pacific will change the way you view this ocean forever.
20,000 islands, one ocean, a quarter of the world's water. Welcome to the South Pacific. Narrated by Benedict Cumberpatch, SOUTH PACIFIC is the documentary series that explores this fascinating part of the world and the wonderful wildlife that lives there. From Hawaii's coastline to Eastern Island, South Pacific explores underwater volcanoes and jewelled reefs, and showcases species such as tiger sharks and flesh-eating bugs, all captured by the most incredible photography and will change the way you see the ocean forever.
La caméra utilisée, une Typhoon HD4, coûte environ 100 000 dollars et peut filmer à une résolution de 1280×1024 à 1,000 frames-par-seconde (FPS). Pour les besoins du film, elle est protégée dans un boitier étanche. Elle permet de filmer en super slow motion.
Les trois premiers épisodes sont disponibles en téléchargement, je sais pas combien il y en a en tout.
Donc je vais me faire ca incessamment sous peu.
Sinon j'ai commencé la série Planet Earth, série qui apparemment est utilisée pour le film Earth (un jour sur terre) sorti au cinéma y'a un ou deux ans. Enfin j'ai vu que le premier épisode pour le moment (sur 11), mais des scènes de cet épisode étaient dans le film.

J'ai aussi chopé la série Oceans, pas encore regardé mais ca a l'air pas mal du tout, 8 épisodes.
Par contre assez hallucinant les différences de prix entre amazon.co.uk et amazon.fr

Planet Earth c'est 25£, Earth 8£ en BR, alors que sur le fr c'est respectivement 50 et 20€...