C'est bizarre, dans sa bio, il dit que c'est son agent qui a refusé qu'il passe un test, et que lui était chaud bouillant pour montrer ce qu'il valait.
I was just sitting there, being very shy, but after a while I lost patience. Something about Wenger provoked me. And he flew out of his chair every now and then to see who was outside his window. Like he wanted complete control of things, and he went on and on about one thing constantly.
"You can test and practice with us", he said. "You can feel it out. You can try."
No matter how much I wanted to behave, those words triggered me. I wanted to show him what I could do.
"Give me a pair of shoes. I'll practice. I'll do it right away", I said and then Hasse Borg interrupted and said "Stop, stop, we'll work it out, this isn't an audition, not at all", and of course, I got his point: you're either interested or you're not. Auditioning is a downer. It makes you an underdog, so we said no. "We're sorry Mr. Wenger, but we're not interested, and there's been a lot of talk about that later.