Ce serait elle.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvMrAw_I6GQ...tu.be&t=211Les messages ont été traduits en anglais.
-I dreamt about u all of the sudden I was on my knees. Long story short, I'm a prey looking for a hunter
-Sup cause of my libido. Was working out
-Working out for what?
-Get that booty ready for ya
[Cool nudes]
-Neymar: already missing what we haven't lived yet
-That's a pagode song for sure
-Neymar: Happy birthday lots of good shit for ya
-thanks, I've already asked God an entire day to love you
-come to Paris
-im headed to Germany in June, I'll try to escape to paris. saving money
-i can help you with that
-im kind proud but I wouldn't oppose to see you
Neymar sends a sticker: "I'm getting asleep but wish I was getting you" lmao
Girl: was watching Netflix, thought about you and just came twice thinking about u sugar
- coming with a friend?
- I'm worth four women, all of them wanting to please you
- geez I was talking about keeping you company when I'm not available
- I'm pretty much solitude chill
Neymar sends a pic of her ass right after fucking her
- you know there will be revenge
- no there won't
- you still have to fuck the other 3. That was the calm one
- ohh course we are gonna again
." There are also other very memeable parts but these are just peak.
Girl: - all right, the other two are left for another oportunity